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The activity of the Department is about the implementation of the main professional educational programs for students of the first two undergraduate courses in the architectural group of specialties:

- 07.03.01 - Architecture;

- 07.03.02 - Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage;

- 07.03.04 - Urban Planning.

The academic staff of the Department conducts lecture and practical classes in disciplines that form the foundations of the worldview of future architects, restorers, urban planners, contribute to the disclosure of creative potential and to gaining skills in the profession:

• Universal History of Architecture and Construction Machinery,

• History of the Arts,

• Basics of drawing and painting,

• Compositional modeling,

• Architectural and spatial modeling,

• Design methodology,

• Composition theory and architectural graphics,

• Fundamentals of Coloristic.

In cooperation with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, the teachers conduct career guidance work among applicants and also participate in the annual MGSU enrollment campaign.

The team of experienced teachers of the Department educates creatively gifted personalities in students, educating competent and communicable specialists with a high civic position and moral principles. Preservation of the domestic architectural education tradition and its specifics at MGSU is of paramount importance. At the same time, academic staff strives to develop innovative programs and follow the latest trends both in the educational process and in the development of the architectural and urban planning area. Further development of the department will be facilitated by an increase in professional culture, the involvement of students in research and experimental project activities.

The academic staff of the Department, due to the specifics of its profile, is represented by architects, artists and historians. There is a significant number of highly qualified specialists among them: Candidates and Doctors of Technical Sciences, Architecture, History of Art, Historical Sciences, corresponding members and academicians of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Honorary members of the Russian Academy of Arts, members of foreign academies and laureates of domestic and foreign prizes. This background makes it possible to contribute to the development of scientific activity in the University programs, within the framework of government programs for the development of basic research, various applied research, including the involvement of students and graduate students. Employees of the Department participate in a study under a grant from the Russian Scientific Foundation, developed in the Scientific and Educational Center for the Theory and History of Architecture created at the IAUP. Within its framework, they participated in a scientific expedition with the aim of examining monuments of medieval architecture in Armenia, Georgia and Turkey in October 2022.

An important place will be allocated to attracting of leading architects, restorers, urban planners to the implementation of educational programs.

Employees of the Department of Basics of Architecture and Artistic Communication take an active part in scientific and scientific-practical events of the University and the All-Russian and international scientific forums organized and held by them.

The Heads and teachers of the Department, together with researchers at the Scientific and Educational Center for the Theory and History of Architecture generate content for the issue of two leading journals in the field of theory and history of architecture:

- "Issues of the General History of Architecture." Articles are devoted to a variety of topics in the history of architecture and urban planning, theoretical aspects of the history of architecture from ancient times to the middle of the XX century. The magazine is included in the list of recommended publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

- "Theory and History of Architecture." Issues formed on the basis of materials from various scientific conferences in the field of history, theory of architecture, urban planning, restoration of architectural heritage, urgent problems in the field of architectural and urban planning and architectural education.

© 17.05.2024 | MGSU
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