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The Department under its present name is the renamed Department of Design of Buildings and Structures, which existed as part of the MISI-MGSU since 2016.

The Department has a research and educational laboratory with modern equipment that allows conducting not only classes at a high professional level, but also research in priority fields of Construction Science.

In addition to educational activity, the academic staff of the Department carries out educational, methodological and research work. As a result, numerous educational and scientific papers have been published over the last 5 years. Over the years of the Department's existence, over 150 textbooks, manuals and monographs have been published.

The department has defended more than 170 Candidate and 15 Doctoral dissertations.

Today, the Department carries out educational activity in the main professional educational programs of higher education in the following fields:

08.03.01 – Civil Engineering, profile of training "Industrial and civil engineering" (Bachelor's degree);

08.04.01 – Civil Engineering, profile of training "Industrial and Civil Engineering" (Master's degree);

08.05.01 – Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures, specialization "Construction of High-rise and Large-span Buildings and Structures" (Specialist’s degree);

08.06.01 – Engineering and Construction Technologies, profile of training "Construction Structures, Buildings and Structures (training of highly qualified personnel – postgraduate studies).

© 17.05.2024 | MGSU
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