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Russian universities to develop Master's degree programs together with employers

Russian universities to develop Master's degree programs together with employers

Russian universities to develop Master's degree programs together with employers

According to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Valery Falkov, universities will have the opportunity to develop master's degree programs together with potential employers in the framework of new education system in Russia. Mr. Falkov explained that in doing so universities could cooperate with companies or with industry associations.

"Our task is to make it possible for employers, to launch such programs together with universities, since there is no such possibility today. The programs will be developed by universities with active participation of employers - representatives of the real sector," the Minister said.

Earlier, Falkov stated that the duration of master's degree programs may be reduced to one year for some specialties, such as IT and Engineering specialties. At the same time, it is unacceptable to shorten this period in the fields related to research activities (genetics and nuclear physics).


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