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School for PhD students EXTEND

School for PhD students EXTEND

School for PhD students EXTEND
On November, 2021  school for PhD students was organized at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (MSTU, Magnitogorsk, Russia) as part of an international project of Erasmus + program EXTEND "Excellence in engineering education through teacher training and new pedagogical approaches in Russia and Tajikistan."
More than 30 students from Russia and Tajikistan exchanged experience and discussed the best European practices in the field of engineering education.
EXTEND project partner universities: Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania), Riga Technical University (Latvia), University of Minho (Portugal) and University of Warwick (UK) conducted virtual tours of universities in English.
During the practical seminars, students were faced with the task of improving the quality of their own prepared courses in the engineering direction under the guidance of the European partner universities of the project and providing an improved course in the "case-studies" format.
The EXTEND PhD students school lasted 7 days, upon completion each participant received an international certificate.
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