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Open presentation of the summer school projects MGSU took place

Open presentation of the summer school projects MGSU took place

Open presentation of the summer school projects MGSU took place

On the 27th of August the Central House of Architect hosted an official ceremony, devoted to the open presentation of the summer school "20th Century Mass-Housing RE3" projects.

During a two-week course students attended lectures at the university, where they studied history of Soviet architecture along with social and economic circumstances that have shaped architecture since 1917 until the present time. The course has combined theoretical studies, delivered through lectures, fieldwork, concept design workshops and excursions.

With course tutors participants visited such architectural sights of the Soviet Era as:

- Cultural center “Hlebozavod” (a prominent monument of the Constructivist architecture era of the 30s)

- Sokol (one of the first cooperative residential settlement in Moscow)

- 9th and 10th experimental districts of New Cheryomushki

- Communal House of the Textile Institute (a striking architectural and social phenomenon of the 1920s - early 1930s, which became the embodiment of the proletarian idea of "socializing everyday life)

- The Narkomfin Building (a true architectural puzzle, a building of a transitional architecture style, a cross between an ordinary apartment building and a commune house)

- Campus building of graduate student and trainee of Moscow State University (a housing for several thousand students and a monument of Soviet modernism)

- Microdistrict "Severnoye Chertanovo" (built during 1975-1982 as one of the most promising residential areas)

Apart from studying architecture and related disciplines students attended the Russian language classes every day. The participants approached to the final lesson creatively: they read poems and dialogues as well as sang songs in Russian, demonstrating the language skills they had acquired during the course. The classes were held by the teachers from RFL department – Larisa Semenova, Anna Ibrahim and Evgeniya Skorik.

As part of the project work, the participants were divided into teams. They prepared 6 projects of complex reconstruction, based on the places they had visited during the excursions. The students were supported and assisted by experienced tutors during their work:

- Nikolay Vasiliev, docent of the Architecture Department of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, general secretary of the Russian department DOCOMOMO;

- Kirill Stepanov, research associate of the Scientific Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning (NIITIAG), graduate of the University of Edinburgh;

- Ekaterina Shafray, teacher of the Architecture Department of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, graduate of the doctoral program of Korea University;

- Anastasia Sedova, docent of the Architecture Department of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, graduate of the doctoral program of the Polytechnic University of Milan;

- Ivan Saltykov, head teacher of the Architecture Department of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, experienced architect-engineer.

An official presentation ceremony took place in the Central House of Architect, a very symbolic place for many architects. Teachers, students and practicing architects from Moscow gathered there to get acquainted with summer school participants and their projects.

The evening ended with award of the certificates and a standing buffet. The posters, representing final project works, will be placed on the exposition in the main hall of the Educational and Laboratory complex.  

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