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On July 10, 2017, the delegation from the Hanoi architectural university (Vietnam) visited NRU MGSU

On July 10, 2017, the delegation from the Hanoi architectural university (Vietnam) visited NRU MGSU

On July 10, 2017, the delegation from the Hanoi architectural university (Vietnam) visited NRU MGSU
The representatives of the Hanoi architectural university: the vice rector Nguyen Tuo Lang, the dean of faculty of city infrastructure construction, the head of the department of sewerages Chan Tkhan Sean, the dean of faculty of the higher education on Master and PhD studies Nguyen Tuang An. The guests visited with great interest our scientific and technical library, also there was organized the excursion on laboratories and the scientific and educational centers (educational and research and production laboratory on aerodynamic and aero acoustic tests of building constructions, the scientific and educational center "Water Supply and Water Disposal", research institute of construction materials and technologies, the scientific and educational center "Information Systems and Intelligent Automatic Equipment in Construction"). During the negotiations between two universities it was decided to develop the cooperation and to take it to higher level. There were discussed various international programs as a foundation for the further promising interaction.

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